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There are many people who are critical of the US‘s prison sysetm; the idea of locking up those who commit crimes against a society simply to keep them from doing harm. Many say that more rehabilatation is necessary to improve these individuals and, therefore, society as a whole. What are some ways of doing this? Do you agree/disagree with this view and why? Is the prison system currently in place the best option for society? 2 pages, double spaced, 12pt. font.You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. Everyone knows that you can’t help someone unless they want to help themselves. When the prison system was first established, the possibilities in rehabilitation were nothing like they are today. They could make prisoners go to daily consueling, have small groups, write in journals, plant flowers…maybe even go to yoga classes or have meditation time so that they could become one with their inner spirits and realize the error of their ways. Sunday school classes could be offered along with daily preachings, they could beat them with the Bible. None of this would help unless the individual wanted to change into an upstanding citizen.I agree that rehabilitation should be offered in all ways possible to those who want it. Everyone deserves a second chance, or a hunderath for that matter. I don’t believe that while we are here on earth we have a limited number of times we can fall down. No one, not even the law has the right to say that you can’t get up and try again. Besides, if you can’t get up, all you can do is wallow in the dirt. People often say about celebrities or political figures, “They are not above the law.” This is true, no one is above the law, but the law was made by other humans just like you and me and humans make mistakes…a lot.The prison system is something that you would have had to experienced to know enough about to judge whether...

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