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AvantGo vs Palm VII

on a handheld because most of the pages on the Internet have not been optimized for viewing on such a small screen (only 150 x 150). The Palm VII does things only slightly different.The Palm VII is a completely self contained, all that is needed to connect to the Internet is the raising of the antenna. The Palm VII uses Web clipping to view content, converting and compressing content until it can be displayed by the hidden client application called Web Clipper. The Web Clipper is not like a standard Web browser; the user never interacts with it. What users see is called a Palm Query Application (PQAs). These PQAs do not contain any processor instructions; instead they contain a special form of a database record. These query applications are created using HTML and then compiled using a free tool called the Query Application Builder. This builder is available for Windows and Macintosh computers by following the link to the Palm Developers site given on the title page. Web clipping is not optimized to convert and compress just any page on the Internet like AvantGo servers do. The way the Palm VII handles this task is to do their conversions and then send only the first part of the page to the handheld, which does not look very well when displayed.AvantGo and Palm VII both have their applications. They both use an intermediate server for a filter. The AvantGo system is more widely used because of its simplicity, cost, and the fact that the Internet can be queried for any page the user is looking for. The Palm VII still has incredible potential, although personally I am partial to AvantGo....

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