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Abortion Pill

onal pregnancies statistically bring a host of economic, emotional, and physical ills to mother and baby. About half of the unintended pregnancies in Washington State are aborted, according to the state Department of Health. That rate is consistent with the rest of the US. Even though there is a demand for abortion providers, many doctors have remained fearful of protestors and violence by antiabortion activists who target abortion providers. Doctors do not want to be subject to violence against themselves, their staff, and even their families to the actions of anti-choice people. A few physicians have already been killed in this country over abortion, giving many potential providers reason to be concerned.Today, there aren't enough providers in the US who offer abortion services to them women who need/desire them. Women who have chosen to have an abortion have, at times, been faced with harassment and intimidation from picketers. Physicians who provide abortion services have worked in fear of assassination, arson, assault and sabotage from abortion foes. It is possible that Mifepristone may assist in solving this shortage, since one may assume that a lot more doctors would be willing to perform abortions medically than they would surgically. The drug's availability through private doctors' offices might make it much harder for antiabortion activists to target abortion providers, keeping all individuals involved at a greater distance from danger.Many individuals have speculated that when mifepristone becomes widely available, early surgical abortion as practiced today will be chosen less frequently by eligible women. Potential effects of such a change include the following: More providers may be willing to offer the pharmacological regimen than currently offer surgical abortion services. The substitution of medical for surgical abortion may reflect a shift toward earlier pregnancy termination. These points may be positive or negative, ...

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