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Airline Safety

mpletely stopped on I-805, which was only a block from the impact site, and it was eerily quiet except for the distant chaos. My friend Mike disappeared. I found out he was okay, but he had gotten scared. Today the area where the plane crashed looks oddly newer than the older homes in the area. I can't imagine living there and knowing what had happened in 1978. I think a lot of those people have no idea what took place.... but maybe they do. I no longer live in San Diego, but I always drive by when I visit and say a little prayer (Peters). The above was a witnesss description of an accident that was caused by a malfunction in an airplane. It shows what happens to individual people, families, and their communities. People that dont even have anything to do with airliners are often affected be these tragic events. We are here to address these events, discuss their causes, and foresee any possible ways to prevent, or at least cut down, these occurrences. We want to know what the regulations should be regarding airline safety.History and BackgroundThe topic of airline safety is a very controversial one with no real good answer that best suits everybody. The two extreme answers to this problem are either, increase airline safety regulations, or dont. Both answers help and hurt a number of people, in a number of ways. If the airline regulations are increased, more tragedies would be avoided and more lives would be saved, however, if they were increased, than a chain of events will occur that will cause everything to be more expensive. First of all, in order for the airlines do adequately meet these new regulations, they will have to devote more time and more man - power to the project. This will then increase their input costs. With input costs being increased the ticket prices for consumers will then go up. Since obviously nobody likes rises in ticket prices, consumer consumption will then decrease dramatically. So basically, if...

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