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AssistedSuicide Right or Wrong

are dollars(Marker 46). Whenever the economy was involved there was always a major hill to climb. Not to long ago patients were told to come in to get check ups that were not necessary. All the hospitals and clinics got paid back for everything they did to the patient. Finally, people became smarter and started to say no the unnecessary treatments. Now their income relates to the information they provide, the less the better.Marker reports that in recent years a significant number of health-maintenance organizations or HMOs are for-profit enterprises where stockholder benefit, not patient well-being, is the bottom line(47). There are programs that allow physicians from telling the whole truth. The doctor will say one thing when it really means something different and usually it is for the worse. Not many people research into their medical coverage until they are sick. Once that happens you are not going to have a clue what your plan covers. Marker stresses that having a physician friend who would talk over a planned assisted-suicide before prescribing a lethal dose is nothing more than a fantasy for the vast majority of American(48). Today, if its a patients first visit it will be no longer than twenty minutes and if the patient returns its visit will be ten minutes. Another example is that some medical programs want doctors to not treat patients right a way and will usually cause a conflict. Marker points out a survey published in 1998 in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that doctors who are the most thrifty when it comes to medical expenses would be six times more likely than their counterparts to provide a lethal prescription(48). If a physician is truthfully against assisted-suicide he or she will offer every possible alternative to the patient. To sum it all up, Wesley Smith, an attorney and consumer advocate, expresses the last people to receive medical care will be the first to receive assisted-suicide(qtd. ...

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