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AIDS in Botswana

of health care. In the next decade, the per capita income is expected to decrease 13% in Botswana because of AIDS. Australia has fewer problems with AIDS because of the amount of money spent on health care. 15% of the GDP is put into improving health in their nation. Botswana only puts 2.5% into health care in their nation. Therefore, fewer medications are available, there are less doctors, less clinics, and more ill people living there. This affects the quality of life. Currently there are an estimated 38% of people living below the poverty line in Botswana. This is extreme compared to the 2% in Australia. If the AIDS situation is improved, the economy will also be improved. Botswana needs to start recognizing AIDS as a serious matter to be dealt with. To start fighting back against the serious AIDS epidemic, the government of Botswana needs to get involved. After Brazils government got involved, they turned around their aids problem and country. If Botswanas government starts to produce medicine and distributing it for free to help the 290,000 living with AIDS in Botswana. Botswana does not have to produce big retrovirus medicines, but the basic ones. Virtually 100% of AIDS patients suffer from thrush. Thrush is like a strep throat, but 10 times worse. The patients throat gets very swollen and sore and it is very difficult and painful for the patient to swallow. If the government produces, Nyastatin, a very effective drug to treat thrush the health of the patients will increase dramatically. Thrush causes the patient to not eat because of the pain involved with swallowing and it makes it very difficult for the patient to eat. By sucking on this pill, the medicine will soak into the swollen and red throat relieving the patient of pain and allowing them to chew and swallow easily. Another medicine the government should produce and sell to the patients for free is amoxicillin. Everybody knows there is no cure for AIDS, but by treating th...

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