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fifteen minutes, I felt very relaxed, and I just wanted to lie there all day and rest. After the time was up, Dr. Shao removed the needles and gave me a short but deep massage. She felt the same spots I had tension in before, and the stiffness was almost completely gone. There was an even, jello-like feeling on both the left and right sides, and the tension in my jaw was much better. I stood up and felt fifteen pounds lighterthe weight in my back was gone, and I felt so relieved.The whole concept of acupuncture ties very closely with other medical systems that use balance as the key to feeling healthy. The Chinese word chi meaning energy is constant throughout the body. According to the traditional Chinese medicine of acupuncture originating three to five thousand years ago, the major organs produce vital energy that flows along the continuous circulatory channels called meridians. If the flow of energy through the meridians is smooth, the body is balanced and healthy. If, however, the flow of energy is disturbed in any way, there will be pain or illnessa sense of imbalance. Acupuncture is applied to specific sites along the meridians called acupuncture points that stimulate energy flow, so the organs will function in a way that restores the balance of the individual. This then creates a feeling of wellness in the individual, both physically and mentally. Dr. Shao gave me some examples of imbalance as I talked with her. For example, if one has cold hands and toes, there is probably a lack of energy in the right kidney, so an acupuncture treatment would focus on a meridian that the right kidney lay in. Another example is my own experience with acupuncture. In my case, getting rid of the knots in my back allowed the built-up energy to flow again, which relieved any pressure or pain that I felt. The chi was able to flow freely, and I in turn felt balanced. My partner Fritzie had a similar experience. Although she was much ...

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