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logical problems may be more common in people with binge eating disorder. Dieting's effect on binge eating disorder is also unclear. While findings vary, early research suggests that about half of all people with binge eating disorder had binge episodes before they started to diet. Still, strict dieting may worsen binge eating in some people. (Orey, 1999) There is help for those who have Bulimia though, through little steps, they can beat it. Especially if it is obtained in the early stages and there have been no major problems happen to the person.The other major type of eating disorder is Anorexia Nervosa. Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by constant dieting, rapid weight loss and the feeling of being too fat during weight loss. Most anorexics are women and teenage girls, who see themselves as being overweight even though they are deathly underweight. The term Anorexia Nervosa means loss of appetite due to nerves, but the people with anorexia do not actually lose their appetite until the late stages of their starvation. Until then, they do feel hungry but they will not eat. There are numerous physical signs of anorexia, but there are four main ones. There is rapid loss of body fat, wasting away of body fat, pale dry skin , and irregular heart beat. An anorexic may also have dehydration and fainting may occur. Anorexia also has many effects on the inside of the body as well. Anorexia may result in the shrinkage of internal organs, including the kidneys, heart, and brain.. As the heart muscle weakens, an irregular heart rhythm and heart failure are possible. Some other complications are: inability to concentrate, constipation and difficulty urinating, muscle aches and cramps swelling of joints, injuries to nerves and tendons, and digestive problems. Poor nutrition and vomiting can damage teeth and gums that can cause cavities and gum diseases. A person may also lose the ability to reproduce. Rigid dieting greatly ...

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