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ffences against the person act of 1861. In Queensland the laws regarding termination are vague and unclear. But in the states of NSW, VIC and TAS an abortion can only be performed to preserve the mothers physical and or mental well being. It doesn't get any better in the remaining states. According to the World Health Organization unsafe and illegal abortions cause the death of thousands of women every year while thousands more are seriously injured. Legal abortions protect women's health with safe sterile procedures. If this is a free country why is our government outlawing individual rights and the freedom to choose. If abortion becomes a criminal offence punishable by death for example then the people that need one will move underground like everything else criminal making it dangerous and risky. Forcing women to bear an unwanted child is not good for family relations. If you were forced to go through a great deal of effort for something you did not want would you like it just because it's there? An unwanted child is in a lot worse position than an unwanted foetus.SafetyYou are now more likely to die in childbirth than in a legal and safe abortion. As with all surgery there is a risk involved. Today the risk is very small with less than one death for every 100.000 abortions. When you compare this to the death rate for pregnancy at 7.5 deaths to every 100,000 live births. If a pro-life terrorist tries to sway you with the idea that abortions are dangerous and complicated. Unless you ask the village idiot to perform it instead of a sterile skilled doctor, you will realise the fact that an abortion is one of the safest surgical procedures available.(MORE?)SocietyThe abortion issue is not really about abortion. It is about the value of women in society today. Should women have the right to make their own decisions or should these decisions be made for them? Do women have the right to choose whether or not to have children? Or...

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