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"Just one more pull, only one more dollar. Anytime now this machine is sure to pay off big!" This is an example of the chatter you may hear if standing along a row of slot machines, or "one arm bandits" as some like to call them. You might find yourself in the midst of a diverse crowd. There are people celebrating their birthdays, and couples celebrating retirement. You see anxious people putting nickels in slot machines, and you see others risking thousands on a hand of poker. Some are here for the social aspect and to have fun. Others are here, because they have no choice. They are addicted. Regardless of age, amount of money spent, or reasoning for coming. They are all here to gamble.Gambling has become a major aspect of our cultural lives. However, its social and economical impact remains controversial. Some claim gambling is the answer to nearly all of our countries financial problems and concerns. Others are quick to point out the downfalls and negative aspects of gambling.In order to make a decision on the gambling debate, it is important to hear a variety of opinions on the topic. There are a few major views as to what course we should take for gambling. The three views are to do away with the restraints on gambling and openly promote it, regulate gambling to make it safer, and to stop gambling for the sake of all.The major focus of choice one is that gambling is simply entertainment, and it should be treated in that fashion. Denny Rowe discusses why his family chooses Las Vegas, a premier location for gambling, as their favorite family vacation spot. Denny says, "It's fun, and the price is right." The Rowe family views gambling as just another way to have fun and "spice" up a vacation. Apparently, they are not alone. Many Americans who visit casino resorts say that they had a more satisfying and more exciting vacation than others who visited ski or country resorts. They disagree with their oppo...

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