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the suffering far outweighs whatever benefits might be found in abortions. Instead of striving to find the good in abortion, contemplate the numerous advantages of the alternatives. Parenthood is very rewarding, even according to Yveline, who became a mother at a mere twelve years of age. She had this to say about her daughter, Katrina, I love to tell her I love her. And I just feel all her love in return. Theres nothing quite like it, the love between a mother and child. The relationship between parent and child is a special bond that should never be underestimated. The task of raising a child can be a formidable one, but nowadays, there are organizations that can help. Most of these establishments are specialized to help teenage parents who want to continue their education while providing their baby with as much as possible. Despite the help of these organizations, many people are simply unprepared for the challenges and responsibilities of parenthood. For that reason, theres another option available - adoption. Adoption is advantageous to all parties involved, the baby, and both sets of biological and adoptive parents. Every year, there are 400,000 couples in America that are looking for a baby to adopt. These couples will be good parents that are more than willing to provide a baby with a good home, a good life, and all the other things that a baby is entitled to. There are open adoptions that allow the biological parents to know the adoptive parents are. This provides the former with some peace of mind, knowing that their baby is in good hands. In some arrangements, they can even be a part of their childs life. As long as the parents choose one of these two alternatives, it is clear that the decision is the right one. Over the years, pro-choice organizations have developed myths that are meant to justify abortions, but that is all they are - myths. One of the most common myths is that abortions reduce unwanted children, and therefo...

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