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A good nights sleep

rape could be a possibility. Throughout the story she is scornful and hostile. Once and only once she talks with no hostility but with politeness, this is when there is a door between them and she bids him goodnight, earlier I said she is defensive, and in this situation there is a door between them that defends her, so she doesnt have to.The theme of the story is as already mentioned homelessness, but in a larger view it could also be the (Many) Problems of Modern Society. Brian McCabe goes right in and treats the subject/problem homelessness, but in a more subtle way he mentions some of the other Problems of Modern Society. He mentions pollution, unemployment, race relations and drugs as subjects Lockharts first year students have discussed, and of course Lockart has an ex-wife and not just a wife, which also is more and more common in modern time; this last one is rather subtle but at the same time insistent.The text is written in an easy to read language, but after the text it reads adapted from A Good Nights Sleep, but we do not get any closer information of what, if anything is chaged, maybe it was made easy to read just for us students. But it is a pretty good shot story and I would most likely like it even if it was harder to read unless it was really extreme....

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