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A leap of faith

can Army soon arose along with other Protestant Paramilitaries. The violence between the two sides has plagued Northern Ireland since. There have been attempts at peace, but they never lasted. In 1994 there was a cease-fire which lasted 18 months. It sprung some hope in the people of Northern Ireland. About 18 months after that another cease-fire came about. The attempts at peace have given some relief to the people of Northern Ireland but despite that, there is still segregation, which leads to bitterness and conflict between the Protestants and Catholics.In helping promote peace certain families in Northern Ireland have opted to send their children to integrated schools. In integrated schools, Catholic and Protestant children are taught side by side unlike the traditional Catholic schools or state-funded Protestant schools. Many feel that if children are taught to interact with those from the other community, as they grow up they will not have hostility or bitterness toward the other community, thus promoting peace. It will not have a large affect since most students are still attending schools that are segregated by religion, but it is a small attempt at peace. "A Leap of Faith" takes us through 12 months in the Cranmore Integrated Primary School. In Belfast Catholic and Protestant parents work side by side in establishing this institution. In the following months they attempt to receive funding for this school. There first step to succeeding in getting g funding is creating a balance between Catholic and Protestant children. They find an old building and begin transforming it into a suitable school. Opening day proves to be a success as the first class walks into the building. The purpose of the integrated school system is to teach Protestant and Catholic children together so that they will not have bitterness towards each other.Through out the majority of the film Cranmore parents talk about the benefits of sending their chi...

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