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ly rising in the U.S., and other countries like the U.S.S.R. and some of the European countries. There is also an increase of alcohol-related problems in other nations, including the Third World. Specialized treatment facilities within general or psychiatric hospitals are rapidly increasing in number. One of them is known as Charter. Earlier and better treatment has led to high recovery rates. In addition to physical complications and withdrawal symptoms, treatment involves counseling and group therapy such as AA are directed at complete recovery from the symptoms from alcoholism. The desired goal, of these facilities is that there can be a safe return to social drinking. Antabuse, is a drug that produces a violent intolerance for alcohol as long as the substance remains in the body and is sometimes used after withdrawal. Despite these promising signs, estimates of the annual number of deaths related to excessive drinking exceed 97,000 in the United States alone. Economic costs related to alcoholism are at least $100 billion a year. These facts should help you to understand that alcoholism is very serious and should not be taken lightly. I have went over the symptoms of alcoholics to help to recognize alcoholics. I talked about the effects of alcoholism on people and their families. Then I concluded with the treatment of alcoholism. This is a serous disease and can be completely avoided....

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