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influence by the gender mix of its workers. Alcohol related job performance problems are caused not only by on the job drinking but also by heavy drinking outside of work. Health promotion programs are offered in some workplaces to reduce employees alcohol related problems. One function of employee assistance programs is to identify and intervene in employees alcohol problems. These type programs my be provided by labor unions or through a union management collaboration. Although some research on the effectiveness of the employee assistance programs is limited; employees who had received inpatient treatment were significantly more likely than those in the other groups to report not drinking during their follow-up period to save their job.Leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.Matthew 5:24Secondly on the list are our worlds college campuses. Students today are more eager to become a heavy drinker then a person who has been drinking for a number of years. Why! Is the question to ask us of what starts it or how could it be happening? Teenage children have been known to be easily influenced. Attending the off campus parties and trying to prove to other students that they can handle what is put forth. Students have been known to call their parents and lie about money just to support this habit. During long hours of studying and researching a number of 75% of students drop out to live this alcoholic lifestyle. And do not fear those who kill the body, but cannot killthe soul.Matthew 10:28Thirdly, alcohol affects women differently than men. Women are more sensitive to alcohol, they may become addicted fastener, may develop alcohol related problems more quickly, any may die younger that men with the same drinking problems. Women have less of metabolizing enzyme that helps the body get alcohol out of its system. Women can expect substantially more...

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