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Beowulfs author is unknown, as are his motives and inspiration for the creation of the poem. Written some four hundred years before the Norman conquests, it is comprised of three thousand, one hundred and eighty-two lines, dramatically reproducing the timeless struggle between good and evil, along with all the variations that accompany such a story. By far one of the most admirable qualities presented to the reader is the notion of heroism, and the importance of honor. The quality of character was a major element of the heroic man in the world of which the story is set. Throughout the poem, the author allows the reader to see, in action, the true workings of heroes. Men and women who cast aside their own personal needs and desires for the better of others. During this time society sustained a strong honor code. The actions that an individual amassed over their lifetime was the title by which they were known to the rest of the land, both good and bad. A lot was asked of rulers concerning the protection and expansion of the empire, Kings and Queens were known by their conquests and control of the subjects around them. In the prologue we are introduced to a loved and heroic King by the name of Shild. How Shild made slaves of soldiers from every land, crowds of captives hed beaten into terrorlived to be rich and much honored. He ruled lands on all sides: wherever the sea would take them his soldiers sailed, returned with tribute and obedience. There are many requirements of a hero. A hero was an individual who was feared and respected by subjects and by enemies. To be a hero one must be bold, courageous, valiant and daring. The hero must not fear death or whoever brings it, instead they must trust God in his wisdom and timing, being prepared at all times to face eternity. The main character of this tale is Beowulf. He was the son of the Geat Edgetho, and eventual ruler of the Geats toward the later of his life. Beowulf faces three major ...

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