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Breakfast as a Scholastic Tool

We have often been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Growing up, however, we have simply brushed that comment aside labeling it as yet another useless and false piece of information we receive throughout the course of our lives. This particular piece, however, may bear more significant than was ever thought before. Researchers now believe that breakfast indeed is the most important meal of the day, resulting in academic and psychosocial improvements that last a lifetime. While many may have trouble believing that a piece of toast in the morning can produce increased academic performance as well as a healthy mind, the fact is it has been proven to be true. It is for this reason that the federal government should establish a universal free breakfast program for all secondary schools in the United States.For many years, the United States has recognized the fact that there is a major problem with its educational system. In an assessment of our nations high school seniors, a quarter of our seniors failed to reach even the basic level. In geography, about a third were below the basic level, while only about a quarter displayed proficiency. History showed the worst results. Over half the seniors were below the basic level and only 11% made the proficient level (Stedman, 6). The education crisis in the United States has been clear for many years. Educators have been trying to find ways to stop the downward spiral of our nations youth. This downward spiral, however, has yet to be ceased while our students are tumbling into an educational abyss. The problem, moreover, is not simply that the students arent performing well. The main problem hinges on the fact that effective plans and legislation have yet to be implemented. Many have been tried; however, with the goal of the plan being to increase academic performance, they have all failed due to the lack of research on many of the implemented legislation. Goa...

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