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Modern English

Jig and her boyfriend appear to be free spirits traveling Europe. There is a fork in the road testing their relationship, and what the desired path of their life will be. The decision she must make will have a lasting impact on her life. Although, her boyfriend does not want to force her into having an abortion he makes it evident the choice he wants her to make. Jig appears to be a submissive woman who wants to please her boyfriend, and is willing to put her feelings on the back burner for his.Jig and her boyfriend are waiting for a train to Madrid, pondering what they would like to drink at the bar at the train station. Ironically, there are more urgent questions they should be finding answers to. What they decide to do about Jigs pregnancy will have an impact on their lives. Jigs boyfriend selfishly, wants her to have an abortion because it would interfere least with the life they presently lead.We can have everything (p.323).We can have the whole world (p.323)We can go anywhere (p.323)Having the baby does not fit into this picture. Jig believes by having the abortion the world is no longer theirs. Her boyfriend believes after the abortion they will be happy. He tries to persuade her, that life will resume to the way it was. What he fails to realize is that for him it can, but for her life will never be the same afterward. She questions if they will be happy afterward. He says he will not force her into it but that it is a simple operation, and that they will be fine afterward. He keeps on assuring her that if she does not want to have the abortions she does not have to go through with it. This is not the case his persuading nature makes it clear what she must do in order to salvage their relationship.By not talking ...

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