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movie review

Mel Gibson is " Bravehearts " director as well as the main star. This is a well made movie that I really enjoyed. The movie " Bravehearts " is an amazing account of one Scotsman that decided to fight the oppression of the English to gain his freedom. With this one mans vision an awesome movie is created. There is a scene for just about all audiences. There are war scenes, romantic scenes, and who could forget dramatic scenes.At the beginning of the movie we see William Wallace the main character as a young boy. The setting is a small cottage in Scotland. His father and brother are about to embark on a trip to battle. As the townspeople cart the two dead bodies back to the cottage, the entire tone of the movie is set. As the bodies are buried young William remembers just exactly what the last thing his father had to say " It's our wits that make us men " which is a major point throughout the movie. Although it was unclear where the two men went and why they were killed, it was a immediate eye catcher and an excellent start to this movie.In the next scene we see the burial of his family. Several characters are shown here that will become important to the movie later. As young William weeps in sorrow, we see a young girl hand William a thistle. From this point, William is taken from his home and then educated by his Uncle. This is where young William grows up and improves his wits. From this point on, young William is no longer, he is now an adult William Wallace ( Mel Gibson ). As Will returns home to his broken down cottage, he stumbles upon a wedding festival. Here Will shows how strong and how smart his wits really are. All the while keeping his eye on a beautiful maiden which he intends to marry. Here the plot thickens and you have to remember the compassionate little girl that attended the funeral and gave young Will a thistle. The two make eye contact and an immediate flame ignites. This is the first example of romance that the...

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