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The Aims of Education Where Does it Lead Us

Culture is activity of thought, and receptiveness to beauty and humane feeling. Scraps of information have nothing to do with it. A merely well informed man is the most useless bore on Gods earth. What we should aim at is producing men who posses both culture and expert knowledge in some special directions.( Whitehead 1)I have never thought about changing the educational system and the fact that there is a possibility to change it. After all, the main aim of the educational system is to give the education to the pupils or students, and the truth is that they are not taken into a consideration about the way the teaching method should be. In her essay When We Dead Awaken: Writing as Re-vision Adrienne Rich found out that the women character and personality has been defined by men, thus she raised a important question to me How can men know about women better than women themselves?. In a resemblance, I would ask the staff working in the educational systems, how can they know better than the students how to teach students? Since I am not aware of the precise method of teaching in the other countries I would like to declare that when I am writing about the educational system I am referring to the one in my home country. Although, I think that there is a similarity in the educational systems and methods of teaching, between the one in my country and the rest of the world. The main detail of the educational process is the transfer of information from the teacher to the students, a method named by education analyst Paulo Freire as The Banking Concept of Education. According to this method the best student is the one that does and thinks the same way as the teacher, which is the same as saying that the best citizen is the one that does and thinks as the president. Anyway that is very hard to do, because every individual is different in one way or another, and there are different ways of thinking. Thus the student cant understand something th...

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