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The Cliff

I was thinking the other day, which in itself is a rare thing, but what if Buzz had jumped and not went over the cliff. Jim would have won the "Chicky Run." He would have probably taken over Buzz's spot in the gang. He would have been the leader and Buzz would be like second best. Judy would probably tried to share both men equally. Plato would maybe become part of the gang or been excluded and went back to being nothing.After a while Jim and Buzz would eventually have this big confrontation over Judy, I don't think anyone would get killed though, maybe severely injured. Buzz would probably lose and be booted out of the gang. Judy would be all over Jim now and then the other kids would follow Jim around like they were lost puppy dogs.I wonder if any other colors, were used as representations, other than red in this movie. Many colors are used as representations. Red can mean stop or sometimes it is a warning. Mainly yellow is used as caution in road signs and it means slow down in traffic lights. But colors still can have many different meanings in the world and in this movie too.Works CitedRay, Nicholas. Rebel Without a Cause. 1956....

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