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The Setting of The Jolly Corner and The Devils Advocate Evok the Supernatural

The Setting of "The Jolly Corner" and The Devils Advocate Evoke the Supernatural The Oxford English Dictionary defines "supernatural" as "That which is above nature; belonging to a higher realm or system than that of nature; transcending the powers or the ordinary course of nature." Through the duration of mankinds existence, humans have been fascinated with a higher power that defies the laws of nature. Supernatural themes have stimulated literature and the arts, both ancient and modern. Many parallels can be connected between stories involving the paranormal. The setting of "The Jolly Corner" and The Devils Advocate evokes the preternatural.In the "The Jolly Corner", a supernatural presence is displayed within the setting. The main character, Spencer Brydon, grew up in the Jolly Corner, as well as many generations before him. We learn that many generations of the Brydons have grown up and passed away in the house. Their long history in the house implies that ghosts, either physical or mental, could be present. The spacious house creates a cold, desolate, and lonely feeling through James description of its empty rooms. In addition, a winding staircase and the intricate architecture mirrors the presence of an unknown being. Another element of setting in which the supernatural is evoked is the time of day in which the story takes place. The majority of the story takes place at night and during twilight. The cleaning lady, Mrs. Muldoon, says that she wont stay in the house during the dark hours of the night, suggesting that uncanny happenings occur during the night. Spencer Brydon always entered the house during twilight symbolizing that he is at a threshold crossing in which he will transform himself into his doppleganger. The night and twilight setting stimulate a dark and mysterious feeling towards the house. Finally, the last major detail that evokes the supernatural within the setting is the location of the house. ...

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