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of me but I also feel the woman is more responsible for providing birth control. If a pregnancy occurs because of rape and the woman was not allowed to abort it then I feel that numerous lives would be affected. The woman who has this child would feel the emotional and possibly the physical scars for the rest of her life. This would be carried on to the child and probably onto any future relationships and future children she might have. Every one is not the same, some women might be able to handle the situation with little difficulty and some might have great difficulty. I believe this is the main reason to be Pro- Choice. Now lets talk about the other reasons why abortion should remain legalized. I feel if a woman is pregnant for any reason and she does not want the child or to go full term, then abortion should be there as an option. If it is not an option then women would find a way to abort on their own, which would be very unsafe to her own welfare. The old coat hangar trick or throwing yourself down a flight of stairs should not be an option because there are no other alternatives available. Anyway, If the pregnancy is made to go full term because of these Pro- Lifers, then I feel many of these babies will be born into families that not only doesnt want to care for them but cant care for them. Maybe they cant afford a baby, or arent mature enough or maybe addicted to drugs. If a child is born into this type of an atmosphere, then the chances that his or her life would be very painful are high. People say that there are studies that prove the unborn child in the fetus feels pain in the abortion process. Even if this is true, I think that the pain an unborn child goes through during an abortion is very miniscule compared to the pain that child will endure during its life if it is born into a family that doesnt want the child or worse yet, is not fit to care for the child. From day one when t...

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