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economic platform

Examining the economic platform of a political party Al Gore and the Democratic Party have many plans for the Tax Reform and Social Security issues. These two very important issues play a very big part in the upcoming presidential Election of 2000. The Economic issues are very crucial in his bid to become our countries next president. The following things discussed in my paper show us how Al Gore and the Democratic Party stand on very important issues for the future. Gore proposes that people buying and selling Social Security records should be charged with a federal crime. Gore also proposes how he will make it a “National Priority” for better protection of Social Security numbers. This is a more recent problem that has arisen due to the major advancements in technology. Gore promises increased Social Security for widows that have taken time off to raise their children (issues 2000). Gore also supports IRA’s, he says privatized cuts and benefits would make things a lot more difficult for Social Security.An appealing plan for Americans at the age of retirement is that Al gore opposes the raising of the retirement age of 65 to the age of 70. I’m in agreement with his choice to oppose this due to the fact that a large majority of the voters fall into this category. Gore plans to fight so that the age isn’t increased. Gore promises he won’t let guaranteed benefits be lower (Issues 2000).“To turn Social Security into a system of winners and losers would jeopardize Social Security for all Americans,” Vice president Al gore says on May 15 at Pennsylvania’s Beaver College. “Gov. Bush’s plan takes the ‘security’ out of Social Security.” ( plans that Al Gore has for social security are very interesting. Gore plans are centered one strong economy and being able to work under those conditions. Gore states if the economy drops, he will borro...

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