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jurrisic park

Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton Number of pages: 399 Original Copyright Date:1990 Date Completed: Oct 25 Publisher: Ballantine Books Plot Summary The Story takes place on an Island off the Coast of Costa Rica. Where A very wealthy man, John Hammond, Has set up A Genetically engineered Dinosaur preserve. Before he opens this living attraction to the public(only the people who can afford it) He needs people, who he thinks will be good judges of the Park. He brings them in and begins to awe them with the sights of real dinosaurs. One of the visitors, Ian Malcolm, predicts that this is impossible to accomplish. For he says there are flaws in the system, and according to his chaos theory these animals cannot be predicted. While they are in awe one of the computer programmers, Dennis Nedry, Is secretly planning to steal dinosaur embryos from the park and sell them to a company that is trying to stay in business with Hammond. The only way Nedry can obtain these embryos id to shut down the park power so he can sneak into the freezing chamber. He does while the other visitors are touring the park, and everything goes wrong from there. As he is racing to get to the dock, where a boat is waiting to take the embryos, He realizes that he has gone the wrong way. He gets out of the car to try and figure out where he is and he's attacked and killed by one of the dinosaurs. Now the power is out and all the animals can get out of the no longer electrified fences. The others are stopped in front of the T-Rex holding area and he breaks through and attacks them. Everyone flees and is scattered through the park. The animals begin attacking the control building. Since all the power is out there is no way to stop them. One of the Scientists, Wu, finds that the once all female dinosaurs are beginning to breed. They think they got the power back on so they try to put all the animals back in their holding areas. Little did they know that the whole time the pa...

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