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A Midsummer Nights Dream Character Analysis of Bottom the Weaver

st. Yet my chief humor is for the tyrant. I could playercles rarely, or a part to tear a cat in, to make all split. (1.2.19-23) Here he gives us insight into his own personality and almost seems to mock those in love. When he says let the audience look to their eyes (1.2.20), he is directly touching on one of the themes in the play: the use of ones eyes in love, which according to Bottom means that people do not use their heads when in love and that it is an emotion merely based on superficialities. Whatever the case may be, it is obvious that he is much more of a lover than a tyrant. Bottom proceeds to show however, that one can love and be a tyrant at the same time. When he is transformed into the ass and shares Titanias bower, it shows his marvelous adaptability to adapt immediately to whatever life offers him. His energetic love of life, good nature and eager innocence obtains him this entrance into the other world so different from his own. Perhaps he is not completely incapable of feeling or understanding love. Starting from his position as a rock-bottom realist, he can, with the same vigor and joy he brings to whatever he does, respond to this power and believe. The fantastically transformed Bottom, the least likely candidate for the position in the world before his transformation, becomes a participator in the fairy world in the incredible role of being Titanias lover. But we see thus that it was possible after all. He can, in sum, be both a lover and a tyrant yet he knows that being in love is but a passing phase and that at some point, one must face reality again. When Bottom awakens from his dream, his own manner of reacting to it is the best approach to the experience. Wonder, awe, and a very strong sense of the power beyond mans apprehension are communicated by his words here. I have had a dream past the wit of man to say what dream it was. Man is but an ass if he go about texpound this dream (4.1.200-202). He rightly decl...

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