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A Liberal Arts vs Vocational Education

ducation available today in what I call the Heald Phenomenon.The first parallel we will examine can be found on TV. Television is bombarded with commercials advertising schools offering vocational training. The overwhelming majority of these commercials feature non-white actors and so it becomes fairly apparent that the advertisers target demographic is non-whites. A visit to a local Heald campus confirms this inference - The majority of the students who attend these vocational schools are disproportionately non-whites. To what do we owe this paradigm? It cannot be the racialism of a hundred years ago to whom we owe this segregation. Could it be a voluntary separation of whites from non-whites? Hopefully its not that either. Todays segregation no longer exists in Jim Crow laws and lynchings they exist in marketing techniques, gerrymandering, and disenfranchisement. As I looked around the Heald classroom I noticed that the students were dressed so professionally. All male students were dressed in shirts and ties. All female students were dressed in office attire. It turns out this is the schools policy. Students must dress in professional attire in order for them to become accustomed to proper dress in the business world. This seems eerily reminiscent of Marables description of Tuskegee policy where he describes The institute also placed great emphasis on personal hygiene, diet, and improvement of residential headquarters. Imagine, in this day and age, a school of higher learning where what is appropriate attire is mandated by the administrators of the institution. I believe that if I were to have been a student at Heald I would have taken great offense to this policy. (Granted a military school such as West Point may have a reason to implement this policy) I will now point out an even more unfortunate parallel: The absence of a critical thinking curriculum. A curriculum emphasizing critical thinking is essential in necessitating ones ...

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