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y-a human life. Of the 45 generations of cell divisions before adulthood, 41 have taken place before a person is born. Fertilization is just the beginning of a long process of growing and maturing. Gender, physical features, eye color have already been determined. The babys heart begins beating regularly at 24 days. Babies in the womb hiccup, cry, play, and learn (Factbot). Life continues from the day of fertilization until death. Nothing is added to a person during a lifetime. Scientific and medical facts prove that the fetus is living. They prove that the fetus is a person, a human, and functions separate from the mother. All unborn babies have the right to life guaranteed to humans under the constitution. No other person has the right to take away the unborn childs life, no matter what the situation is. One must not sacrifice a life to make ones own life better. Many argue that most of the babies that are aborted are unwanted babies. They believe that they would be abused and neglected. This is why abortion is ok to them. They believe abortion is saving the child from abuse. Abortion, however, is the most severe case of child abuse. The procedure is painful to the child and intentionally ends in death (except in cases where the procedure results in a living child. About once a day, somewhere in the US, something goes wrong and an abortion results in a live baby) The fetus is alive and has the capacity to feel the painful abortion procedure. The US Department of Health and Human Services reported that after nine weeks unborn babies can feel pain, yet 48 percent of all abortions are done after this point. The ultra sound shows the baby struggling to survive. An early abortion takes about five minutes and is performed six to fourteen weeks after a womans last period. The procedure is called a suction aspiration. It is like a vacuum cleaner. A hollow plastic tube with a sharp edge is placed into the uterus. The...

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