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nvalid or unreliable research questions (Joffe, 7)At what point is the fetus considered human? To some it is as soon as the child is conceived. To others it is when he is out of the womb breathing on its own, and to the rest its when the fetus starts developing. A persons definition of whether a fetus is a human or not depends upon the individual and their definition determines their view on abortion (Goldberg, 22). If everyone had the same belief that a fetus is a human and abortion should be illegal then there would be no problem. However there are many views and what neither the pro-choice nor pro-life advocates wish to face is the fact that the abortion question is inherently and eternally unanswerable, though it can be settled by force or its modern equivalent, dramatic vote (22).If abortion no longer were a choice would the world be a better place? Many people feel that if their choice was taken away one of their rights as an American would be gone. If no one has the right to another persons life then how would it be fair for the government to take away a womens right to her body and life (Goldberg, 23). If abortion becomes illegal then the 21% of Americans between the ages of 15 to 44 would have to carry out unwanted pregnancies or many would be forced to have illegal abortions leading to unnecessary medical risks and possible legal prosecution. If women were denied their right to abortion many would show resentment towards their child, causing their child to have increased psychological and social problems (22) making the child who didnt even ask to come into and unwelcome home lead a hard dysfunctional life. Women arent the only ones fighting to keep their right to abortion legal men want it to remain legal just as much if not more than women (22). IF every women is able to make her own choice with her body then the women not favoring abortion wont have to have one and the women whose only choice is abortion should b...

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