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Abortion Selective Reduction

e others, also causing risk for failure. Using selective reduction to increase the chances of having any children at all instead of no children should not be looked down upon by anyone. Many couples who are infertile can not handle the financial responsibility of multiple children. If a couple has seven children in one pregnancy, the financial strain can lead to chaos. There were only three sets of living septuplets in the United States in 1997, according to the Knight-Ridder's journalist Tracy A. Reeves. In Reeves' article entitled "Septuplet debate focuses on the plight of others" many cases of multiple births are described. One family, The McCaugheys from Iowa, received a lifetime supply of diapers, a year's supply of groceries, a new house, a new van and a slew of baby-sitters upon the birth of their septuplets. The Dilley family who gave birth to septuplets in 1993, received donations of freed diapers, baby formula, and a new home as well. The financial strain did catch up with the Dilleys, however. They had to sell the home to care for the children. Doctor Louis Keith, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern Medical School, says that the government should make an education program for the nation to inform fertility patients and their doctors of health risks to the mother and the babies, and also to show them the financial strain of having multiple children. No couple should be forced to have the financial responsibility of multiple children if they do not have the capability to support them.Multiple pregnancies are given the name "high risk" pregnancies. The risk of not only harming the other fetuses in the womb, but harming the mother is incredibly great.The World Medical Association says that, "We recognize that in pregnancies involving more than three fetuses, problems of fetal mortality and retarded growth development linked to brain infirmity occur in more than fifty per cent of the cases . . . the highly ha...

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