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American Civil Liberties Union

gulations in both Utah and Arkansas banning adoptions and foster care by gay men and lesbians.Similarly, the Supreme Court in Mississippi denied a gay father custody of his child due to his sexual orientation, leaving the child in a violent home. The Supreme Courts in Alabama and North Carolina upheld decisions denying gay and lesbian parents custody of their children as well.Michael Adams, Associate Director of the ACLU's Lesbian and Gay Rights Project: "Good parenting has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Rather, it is influenced most profoundly by a parent's ability to create a loving and nurturing home--an ability that does not depend on whether a parent is gay or straight." Religion in Public Schools/TownsA Wiccan in Republic, Missouri had to quit her job at the local newspaper due to an editorial she wrote denouncing the city's use of the ichthus, a Christian symbol, in the city's logo. Due to a challenge filed by the ACLU, the courts found that the seal gives the impression that non-Christians are outsiders, and the Constitution protects against such discrimination. The ACLU feels that separation of church and state is critical due to situations such as this.The Governor of Kansas, along with a statewide committee of scientists, denounced the idea of 'creation-science' being implemented into public school science curriculum. Kansas officials wanted to remove nearly all mention of evolution from the science curriculum and allow schools to instead use religious-based theories. The ACLU saw this as a clearly unconstitutional attempt to introduce religious standpoints in the classroom. The American Civil Liberties Union is an organization that is there to help the people and give them a voice. They stand up for the minority as well as the majority when they feel an injustice has taken place. Whether one agrees or not with the views of the ACLU, and the causes they promote, it's main goal is to support those people an...

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