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Problem of Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a disease in which a person has an overwhelming desire to drink alcoholic beverages. A person who has this desire is called an alcoholic because he/she feels forced to drink. Alcoholism is considered one of the most serious problems in the world. Alcohol creates many problems in our society and people’s personal lives. A large number of people in the world die from different diseases caused by alcohol. According to the Maclean’s magazine, “ In 1993, 3,062 people died from diseases directly related to alcohol consumption such as cirrhosis. Alcohol was also involved in almost 16,000 other deaths in fires, motor vehicle accidents, acts of violence and other incidents.” (37) Many people think that alcoholism in an incurable disease, but they are wrong. An alcoholic can be treated in many ways, but of course, he/she has to recognize that he/she is an alcoholic and wish to be cured. Some ways of treatment, such as Alcoholics Anonymous(AA) and psychotherapy are possible solutions of alcoholism. Also government should take some acts to solve this problem.Alcoholism is an increasing problem, which has many objectionable consequences. “Excessive drinking involved in 70 percent of deaths from falls, 69 percent of drownings, 83 percent of fatal fire accidents, 40 percent of accidental deaths in the job, 50 percent of highway fatalities, 52 percent of spouse beatings, and 38 percent of child abuse.” (Allan Luks, 13) So alcoholism causes many troubles. It can destroy a person’s life: relationship with family and relatives, and even one’s attitude toward life.Why do people start to drink? There can be many causes. Some people began drinking alcohol because of psychological pressures such as stress or depression when they were disappointed about something or having big personal problems. Alcoholics believe they can make life bearable only by drinking. A person also can beco...

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