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Womens Rights in 3rd World Countries

Gender Inequality in 3rd World Countries Gender inequality has maintained the suppression of women worldwide and unfortunately has impacted third world countries with the greatest magnitude. The dominance of male control in Third world countries such as Afghanistan, China, Iran and Mexico is currently threatening the progression of women rising above the constraints of patriarchy. Everyday in these countries there are countless occurrences of physical, emotional, and psychological abuse that must be acknowledged as a primary concern for the world to help overcome. It is however important to recognize specific cultural and religious practices of gender hierarchy that are accepted by women in these countries. While keeping this in mind it is of paramount importance to keep sight of the consequences of abusing these cultural practices at the expense of womens liberation and development. If we as a global community can acknowledge the adverse effects of patriarchal rule and appreciate the fundamental role of women in society, the succession of women will most certainly follow. The consequences of the subordination of women have left perhaps no woman un-scared by its devastating effects. In every city, in every country gender equality is jeopardized at the expense of women. The severity of this crisis is much worse in third world countries in comparison to more developed nations. Unfortunately there are numerous examples that highlight the problematic consequences of patriarchal supremacy. A young woman who left her home in Mycrorayan in Kabul, Afghanistan for Peshawar after the January 1994 fighting and told Amnesty International of the following situation. "One day when my father was walking past a building complex he heard screams of women coming from an apartment block which had just been captured by forces of General Dostum. He was told by the people that Dostum's guards had entered the block and were looting the property an...

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