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The Aesthetics of an Education

Consequently, it appears that an education that overlooks the critical mechanics of the language from where all knowledge is derived exists in vain. The Aesthetics of an Education is a critical summary of the essay entitled, “Defending against the In defendable,” by Neil Postman. An exceptional English language understanding is essential to education in the American school system. Although the school systems’ intent is closer to induction of students to politics. Neil Postman describes the educational system as it exists today as a, “form of indoctrination” into the society in which we live; more specifically an indoctrination into the political aspect of society.Education can also be a channel used to, ”free the student from the tyranny of the present.” Teachers’ posses the ability to “free” a students mind. “All subjects are forms of discourse,” states Postman. Literary skills are necessary to all fields of study.Seven “principles” are defined in the essay to help cultivate a sophisticated intellectual. Postman identifies the process of definition. The art of asking a question is important. “Virtually all our collective knowledge was attained from asking questions.” It is easier to understand something when a philosophy can be established through a metaphor. Reification, which can be simplified as manipulated or improper word association creates inaccurate interpretation. The sixth concept is delivery. Postman compares language to the performing arts. Finally, “non-neutrality of the media,” obscures reality. It is how images and language are related in the media.English is essential to education.The Aesthetics of an EducationIn the essay, originated from a lecture given by Mr. Neil postman, we are confronted with a simple yet profound suggestion. In order to excel at any given study it is vital to first observe the aspects of ...

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