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The Pelican Brief was published in 1992 and it went straight up on the bestselling lists. This year they also republished A Time to Kill and it became a hit. From 1991 to today he has published one book a year. After the Pelican Brief came the Client and following that, the Chamber. Then the Rainmaker (1995) and the Runaway Jury (1996) were published. Following his success with the Runaway Jury John Grisham published the Partner in 1997. During the same year he started the next book, the Street Lawyer. It was officialy published in March 1998. Ever since he wrote the Pelican Brief Grisham has published a book a year with the same result. It should be said that all his books have been bestsellers and that six of them have become movies (the Client, the Pelican Brief, the Firm, A Time to Kill, the Chamber and the Rainmaker). John Grisham has also written the script to the movie the Gingerbread Man and a script to a baseball movie. Today he lives in Charlottesville, Virginia with his wife Renee and his two kids Ty and Shea. Grisham writes six months a year and coaches his son's Little League team the other half. He only gives a few interviews a year and he has said that he hates reviews. John Grisham just want to write books and live peacefully and undisturbed with his family. The Pelican Brief was published in 1992 and it went straight up on the bestselling lists. This y...

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