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Technology in Classrooms

This year American schools have spent over $5.2 billion dollars on technology. Ten years ago there was one computer for every 37 students and now we spend billions of dollars a year bringing the ratio to about one computer for every seven students. This seems like an awful lot to spend on something that isnt proven to improve student achievement at all. So how are the computers and new technology being used to enhance learning? Other nations around the world that usually beat us on every part of academic tests have focused on improving teaching, not on technology. There is no proof that use of computers or the Internet improves student achievement yet we keep on spending for technology that could be spent on music, art or other essential functions.The $5 billion dollars spent on computers and technology is just the start of problems, almost all of the money goes to hardware, not even training teachers how to use it. Only about 15% of teachers have the appropriate training to use the technology in a way that it benefits the students....

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