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r as the strongest nation economically. Art, music, and literature flourished during the nineteen-forties. The Holocaust had a major impact on art in America during the forties. Adolph Hitler eliminated artists whose ideals didnt agree with his own causing many to flee to the United States (Hill 56). The United States became the center of the western art world (56). For the first time in history American artists gained international recognition (58). Music was also very popular during the forties. Big bands dominated popular music until 1945 when the GIs came home and focused on marriage, raising families, and buying homes and did not have extra money to spend on entertainment (59). Singers that had been with the big bands started going out on their own. Stars like Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, and Bing Crosby made several solo records (60). Musicals such as "Oklahoma" were very successful on the Broadway stage and in the movies (60). Be-bop (or hot jazz) also emerged as a new popular genre of music in the 1940s (59). Literature became more widespread in the forties due to the introduction of the inexpensive paperback (58). The horrors of the war and prejudices began to come forth in literature after the war. Non fiction writing was popular, giving first hand accounts of the war and opinions on the holocaust. Art, music, and literature were extremely important during the forties because all three forms of expression expressed opinions of the war and commentary on the America of the time. American culture changed drastically during the nineteen forties as the war and technology brought new ideals and possibilities. The war had a huge impact on American culture for most of the forties. The largest change in culture spouted from the fact that America was no longer in a depression after the war. Many soldiers returned from the war and wanted to start familys creating the baby boom and a whole new economic future for America (...

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