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Andrew Jackson A President that Lost Sight of the People

prosperous. Connecting people would increase trade and movement between states would promote the buying of American-made products, making traveling and transport more efficient. While Jackson had accomplished a great goal by reducing the national debt, the people and the progress of Americans suffered too greatly. Money means nothing if it is not put to proper use.More than once did Jackson step over his boundaries when it came to his presidency. There is a difference between Jefferson going behind Congress back with the purchase of Louisiana and defying the supreme government as well as the natural rights granted to man. The Cherokee appealed to the Supreme Court, in the case Worcester v. Georgia, Chief Justice John Marshall ruled against Georgia, and in the favor of the Native Americans. Jackson ignored the ruling, and did what he wanted to, kick the Native Americans off their land to make room for true, white Americans. The Native Americans like the Cherokee lost more than just their land. They lost their homeland, culture, and family. Jacksons Native American policy is a stain on the nations honor. Americans pride themselves on being free and equal, but yet no matter how hard the Cherokee, tried to be white, we could not except them. If Jackson had excepted the tribal lands, then as the leader of the nation he would have been an example not only of character but also of American pride. Not only does he disgrace the nation, but also goes against the very system created by our founding fathers; the checks and balances system, which balances the power between executive, judicial, and legislative. Jackson breaks the very laws laid down from the beginning. Precious for the government to continue to function effectively. How can a man who disrupts the very natural order of government itself be considered the greatest president? In truth, he can not be. One of the most controversial issues accompanying Jacksons presidency is his attack on...

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