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Cherokee Phoenix

sing a summary of religious and political events, Etc. on the one hand; and on the other, exhibiting the feelings, disposition, improvements, and prospects of the Indian; their traditions, their true character, as it once was and as it now is; the ways and means most likely to throw the mantle of civilization over all tribes; and such other matter as will tend to diffuse proper and correct impressions in regard to their condition-such a paper could not fail to create much interest in the American community, favorable to the aborigines, and to have a powerful influence, on the advancement of the Indians themselves. The Cherokee Phoenix was the first of many Indian newspapers, and, through its columns as Boudinot intended, gave a voice to the political struggles, religious conversion, and cultural advancement to the newly formed Cherokee Nation.In the first publication of the Cherokee Phoenix the constitution of the Cherokee Nation was printed to inform all the Indians of their rights and guaranteed general welfare. This issue not only informed the white population of this new republic, but also the Cherokees themselves. The Phoenix told about district elections, named candidates, and featured editorials by Boudinot commenting on the progress of their new government. The Indian readers of this newspaper began to identify themselves as a group with a common identity and this, according to Henry Thomas Malone in Cherokees of the Old South, Marked the greatest expression of their Nationalism. As well as greatly affecting the inner working of the Cherokee Nation the impact of the Phoenix reached far beyond its borders. Editorials about the removal bill soon reached all over the United States, along with published pleas for support and statements against Georgia and President Jackson. In this arena the newspaper exceeded all expectation, and soon after the Cherokees received the support through other respected newspapers like ...

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