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Christopher Columbus

New World and killed off many valuable animals like swan and buffalo. The Indians did not have guns, so it was not as easy to kill off these animals and allowed time for these animals to reproduce. When Christopher Columbus came he killed off these animals for him and his sailors. This created a demand for more meat.This not only impacted the animal life but the plant life also. The New World had a wide range of plants that were unknown to the Europeans such as potatoes, corn, and chocolate, silk and many other plants, which were probably put into extinction by Christopher Columbus. (RTAP 33) The Indians treasured all of these plants and used them to the minimum. For example coco was not allowed to be used unless you had permission from the Inca or his governor. They used this plant to give them strength. (RTAP 33)Christopher Columbus used these plants and animals as rewards to himself and would gather up as much as he could to show off what he has found. So obviously this impacted the life of these plants and animals and of course killed off some of the certain types of animal and plant life, which are unknown to us now.Christopher Columbus may have been a great navigator and explorer of his time but he also destroyed many things along the way. He was a villain to the New World and all of its surroundings. Maybe he did discover what was in the Western part of the world, but he could have been a lot more profound in his findings by admiring what he discovered and not killing it....

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