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John Smith vs William Bradford

g well. Overall, Smiths piece is an extremely persuasive piece that hopes to convince potential settlers to move to the New World by portraying early American life as a place for great opportunities to start over, live easily, and to turn small fortunes into a great wealth.In William Bradfords Of Plymouth Plantation he articulates that living in young America was a tough life that included dangerous living, starvation and disease. Bradford sailed from Holland with the Pilgrims and when their first governor died in 1621 Bradford was elected. Bradfords opinion was well respected in the community and he was reelected to his position thirty times. This position gave him the ability to have many of his works published and read by many. An example of him describing the new world as dangerous is when he painted the picture of a wicked forest across the whole country . He went on to describe this forest as having a wild and savage hue. Another problem addressed in William Bradfords piece is starvation. He described that once winter arrived many people began to die and by February half [the] company died. Finally Bradford described the new world as a haven for disease. As the starvation began to set in in the early winter so did the diseases like scurvy. He described the rate of death rapidly in this statement ...of 100 and odd persons, scarce 50 remained. Essentially, Bradfords piece is an attempt to explain the hardships of the new world such as dangerous living, starvation and disease.In William Bradford and John Smiths two pieces they both convey America as a place to escape from the Western World but fail to reach other similar conclusions on what America was like at this time. Smiths piece is a persuasive piece most likely hoping to convince settlers to move to the New World in a money making venture. Many companies in England encouraged settlement in preset communities in the colonies so they could profit from it. Smith was involved in ...

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