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Karl Marx

ughts along with a fellow Naturalist, Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913). Wallace actually gathered his evidence in Indonesia. This theory in which these two men established has been critiqued for years. Should that really be the only way? Should we as human beings live in a Survival of the Fittest society? Thomas Henry Huxley, along with numerous others, not only disagrees with this belief, but also has other ideas to protect the weaker of the species. He believes in equality of all. Not, whoever is bigger than the other, wins. It is more of a Christian, religious philosophy, and to tell the complete truth, I agree 100% with Huxley. Along with this theory, there are many others in which Darwin believes. For instance, he doesnt have views of creation, he has views of his term: evolution. We were not created by a higher being, but have evolved from something that was already alive. An ape, for instance, is what he said I came from. I was not molded, shaped and created by my god, in whom I believe in, however, I was evolved from an actual monkey. Being religious, I have a tough time believing any of these theories. I am a Christian, and not only do I believe in a higher being watching over us, but I believe in god. My views differ so much from Darwins, that I had a tough time reading about him. I tend to lean towards T. H. Huxley. Equality, in terms of survival is something that is very important to me. Just because I am 100 pounds smaller than someone else, should not hinder me in anyway of surviving and receiving nourishment, and other musts my body has to have. I also believe in creation. My lord in the sky knew who I was, what and who I would become, and created me into something he wanted me to be. I have an incredibly tough time believing my ancestors were hairy, aphonic monkeys running around with no ideas about life, or anything for that matter. Throughout the last week of studying and reading about Ch...

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