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Madison vs Marshall

. In his opinion “ the government that they devised was defective from the beginning”, meaning that the Constitution required several amendments before it became what people today consider as “the basic structure of the American government”. The constitution is very different today than what the framers began to construct two centuries ago. Marshall thinks that there was much wrong with the original document, he finds many “inherent defects”, but is willing to admit that it was “a product of its times and embodied a compromise that, under other circumstances, would not have been made”. By this he means the contradiction between promising “liberty and justice for all” and denying both from blacks. He seems very bitter about the events in history considering the black people as he says that the Constitution, as originally written was “a document that laid a foundation for the tragic events that were to follow”, meaning slavery. But what both Madison and Marshall agree on, is that the constitution was not perfect and complete in the beginning, it required amendments. The word “democracy” was not popular at the Constitutional convention in Philadelphia, because at the time it meant rule by the masses, and the framer’s thought that majority rule would be mob rule. According to Madison “such democracies…have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property”. At that time it was difficult for the average person to be aware of national issues, and that’s why a republic, a representative democracy was created. Madison wanted a system of representation, which would not allow the majority rule, in his opinion the representatives would be more “enlightened” than the average people. Also because of the size of the area, it was easier than direct democracy. The constitution left voting requiremen...

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