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Start of American Revolution

y of 1765, did not take effect until November of that year, and by April the colonists had been notified, leaving them with 7 months to formulate a response. While the colonial governors were unlikely to do anything against the king, being that it was he that gave them office, this did not stop the colonial assemblies from meeting to discuss their objections and their recourse if they were to all out object. Eight of the colonies held discussions on the Stamp Act. By Octoebr 1765 delegates were sent to New York City by nine of the colonies to what became known as the Stamp Act Congress where they petitioned Greenville for repeal of the Tax. Their demands were to no avail. This distress at this taxation wran much deeper then any group of politicians. This tax affected the livelihood of many Americans, all those who requred any official paperwork would be affected and taxed. Each of these people needed to decide wether or not they would comply with this new law, or should they just boycott alltogether. The first massive effort to resist the act came in Boston, where Samuel Adams organized and led a large street demonstration in which they protest the tax by a mock execution of the designated stamp distributor, and by destroy what was purported to be the new stamp office. These protestors learned how powerful public dmonstration was and folowed in the coming days with several more incidents. This was a victory for the colonists of Boston because no one volnteered to replace Olicer and on November 1st ships were permitted to pass without the prerequisite stamp, as there were not enough staff to force the issue. In March of 1766 the Stamp Act was repealed but ws replaced by the Declaratory Act which asserted Briotains right to legislate for the colonies.The final acts that I am going to discuss are the Coercive Acts of 1774. There were several happenings between the Stamp and and The Coercive Acts, thought I feel that the Coercive Acts are ...

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