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The sovereignty and Goodness of God

ood, (when you find out later that not only did they give her food, but she was so hungry that she hoarded it for at least a month) I couldn’t even feel bad for her because of her obnoxiously condescending attitude. I also find it hard to believe that her attitude does not change. She maintains that ALL Indians are barbarians throughout the whole narrative. She complains of being a servant to these people, when it seems to me that she had a lot more freedom than any slave I’ve heard of does did. Her master not only allows her to leave on her own and visit her son, he gives her directions. When ever his second wife- Weetamoo kicks her out of the wigwam, she is free to do whatever she wants, not to mention the other Indians always take her in, give her better accommodations than Weetamoo, and feed her. It seems to me that she was more of a citizen of their community, in their minds, than a captive. Weetamoo is the only Indian that is mean to Mary.Wetamoo’s behavior towards Mary also sparks an interesting question in my mind. Could the godly and perfect Mary have been sleeping with her Master? “My master being gone, who seemed to me the best friend that I had of an Indian, both in cold and hunger...” (86) He seemed to care about Mary greatly. He allowed her to go see her son, fed her upon her return to him from her stay with Weetamoo, and seemed to care about her greatly. It also seems to me, that Mary sleeping over in different and unknown wigwams when Weetamoo’s child was dying, is inappropriate behavior for the godly.Mary’s faith is what got her through being a captive. With everything that happened to her, she only saw the good things as a sign from god. She believed that not getting wet when she crossed a river, was god, with her sending her a sign (79). As her six year old child lay dead in her arms all she could think about was “the wonderful goodness of god to [her], i...

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