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four dead in ohio

etreating. Then shots were heard. The Guard for reasons unknown had to turn back and open fire at a crowd of students. Within thirteen seconds, four students were dead and nine wounded. One student who was killed was Allison Krause, who had been the only one of the four killed that was actually involved in the demonstrations. She was shot in the left side of her body. Also, Jeffery Miller was shot in the mouth and killed along with William Schroeder who was shot in the left side of his back. Additionally Sandra Scheuer was killed as she was walking to class unfortunately was shot in the left front side of her neck. After these tragic events total respect for authority, like the President, the mayor of Kent, and the National Guard was lost by the students and the American people. In honoring those lost and wounded at Kent State a band named Crosby Stills Nash and Young wrote a song. CSN&Y was formed in Southern California in 1968. However David Crosby on guitar, Stephen Stills on guitar, keyboard, and bass, Grahm Nash on guitar and Neil Young on guitar were not new to music. They had all been apart of other bands before. When they got together, many of their songs were anthems of their generation. Most of the songs in the sixties and seventies were based on protest of the Vietnam war. So when the Kent State shootings occurred it was no surprise that Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young wrote "Ohio". When Neil Young heard about the shootings he was outraged and compelled to write "Ohio", which when released as a single went to the top of the Billboard charts that summer. As said by band member Grahm Nash, " Four young men and women had their lives taken from them while lawfully protesting this outrageous government action. We are going back to keep awareness alive in the minds of all students, not only in America, but worldwide…to be vigilant and ready to stand and be counted… and to make sure that the powers of the po...

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