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kkk creative writing essay

and Wesley along with half of Lake City sat around eating your deviled eggs and drinking your lemonade (Ezparsa 2) while two innocent citizens with the same rights as you and I fell victim to a mob of scared white trash. Your obliteration of their inalienable rights by demeaning death tactics and methods of torture are things that God couldn’t even begin to forgive. If I felt it would do any good I would report your actions to the sheriff, however I know that even if you admitted to the crime their isn’t a jury in the state of South Carolina that would find you guilty. I only have one question for you dad: What will you do with the extra four acres of land? Would you have forced me to cultivate it like one of grandpa’s slaves or was Mr. Holbert’s death just a warning for the rest of the colored community in Lake City? No matter what the reason none could be justifiable. You ended the lives of two humans not animals. That’s right niggers are humans too whether you like it or not and one day in the near future you just might have relatives working for this so-called lower class. Ponder this the next time you decide to hunt people for sport. To my mother,I can only hope that in my journey west I can discover the true spirit of democracy. I have decided to join the Republican Party in the spirit of the Holberts and send a portion of my earnings to their children each month as reparation for your actions. I know that it will never fill the void left by your hate, however I feel somebody in this family must step up and right what is wrong with what this family stands for. And finally to my friends,I hope that you conscience will guide you in your life choices. The only suggestion I can give you in my absence is make your own choices. Do not enlist in the KKK just because its what’s socially accepted and don’t kill another man just because of the color of his skin. Instead embrace your c...

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