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plunkitt of tammany hall

d know ever fine point of the game.5. New York City Is Pie for the Hayseeds- New York farmers wanted their taxes lowered because they were too high. The Republican Legislature will make a rush for the farmer and tell him that if he does not see what he wants to ask for it. After they cut the farmers tax , they raise taxes on liquor and some other taxes in New York City. They take half of the proceeds from the State Treasury and cut down the farmers taxes to suit. New York City is a big fat goose. Come along with your carvings knives and have a slice.6. To Hold Your District: Study Human Nature and Act According- Plunkitt talks about books being a hindrance and the only way to last is to know everyone in your district. He talks about looking after the people, know what they are interested in and help them with what they want. Help the people and they will help you on election day.7. On the Shame of the Cities- In Lincoln Steffens, The Shame of the Cities, Plunkitt says that he does not know how to make decisions. He talks about the Philadelphia Republican Gang and Tammany Hall being almost the same. Plunkitt thinks he is all wrong. Plunkitt seems to talk about politicians stealing, saying that they in 1905 are no worse than 1835 as a class. It just means that the old timers had nothing to steal, while the politicians in 1905 were surrounded by temptations.8.Ingratitude in Politics- Plunkitt talks about how he was back stabbed by one of the people he took in hand, The McManus. His friends told him that this would happen but he did not believe them. McManus ran ahead of Plunkitt in their own district. He later broke his ties with him. When a district leader is voted in it is like a solemn contract. If you do good and help us out, we will re-elect you next term. If you do not, you will be swatted down and will not be reelected.9. Reciprocity in Patronage- Plunkitt talks about him being on top and doing favors for the repub...

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