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the articles of confederation

lded a period of chaos and anarchism, as unpaid soldiers marched on to Philadelphia, and consequently, Congress was forced to flee to Princeton, New Jersey.(Document C) The states individually controlled their monetary system rather than one central and national monetary system. Hence, one state’s currency was invalid after it crossed its state’sborders. Therefore, Americans were forced to introduce the barter system within the states. As a result, during this era economic progression and growth became stagnate despite the increase in population growth. (Document B) Also, self interest of the states and individuals produced additional problems. For example, John Jay attempted to create a treaty with Great Britain that would have paid off war debts, but would have also been tragic to American merchants. “You will represent in strong terms the losses which many of our and also of their merchants will sustain if the former be unseasonably and immoderately pressed for the payment of debts contracted before the war.” (Document D) The Articles of Confederation also began to cause the unified nation to divide. Without a present leader or court system, unification lacked significantly. New land territories were claimed by individual states rather than the nation as a whole. As borders became inconsistent, a negative effect was added to the loyalty of citizens along with the economy of each area. (Document E) Without a national court system, laws and regulations to protect the nation could not be established or enforced. Also, without a president, the nation lacked a leading figure to look to during this “Critical Period”. A president was also needed to take a stand against enemies of the United States. Foreign powers could have easily overthrown the American government. For example, Britain still maintained posts within the United States’ boundaries, and the Spain also controlled the lowe...

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