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Constant Change The Life and Styles of Pablo Picasso

us of what I am putting on the canvas. Each time I undertake to paint a picture I have a sensation of leaping into space. I never know whether I shall fall on my feet. It is only later that I begin to estimate more exactly the effect of my work (Barnes).Many argue, among them Barnes, that Picasso was strongly and greatly influenced by Paul Czanne and, to a lesser extent, by his friend Henri Matisse. These influences can be seen in some of his earlier Cubist paintings and their color schemes and in others that concentrate on the African mask. But, as Picasso himself pointed out to Zervos:It is not what the artist does that counts but what he is. Czanne would never have interested me a bit if he had lived and thought like Jacques Emile Blanche, even if the apple he painted had been ten times as beautiful. What forces our interest is Czanne's anxiety - that's Czanne's lesson... - that is the actual drama of the man. The rest is a sham (Barnes).Although these artists did not stylistically influence Picasso, they spiritually influenced him. It also shows that it was essential to the evolution of his own style that Picasso preserve his independence and solitude so that his paintings come from his own feelings. For this reason, too, Picasso built up many walls around himself in order to protect his art; and, as a sign of his true genius, he constantly changed styles and media because he refused to be satisfied with any of his achievements and wished his art to be fresh, original, and uninhibited. This is the reason that Picasso pushed the extremes in art. He constantly looked for new territory to explore, searching for something that would better express what he wanted. This shows the true genius of Pablo Picasso. Social Conscience: The Work of Pablo Picasso One must speak of problems in painting!... I never do a painting as a work of art. All of them are researches. I search incessantly and there is a logical sequence in all this research. -...

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